Pistils Blog
Celebrate Earth Day With Us: A Love Letter to the Ginkgo Tree
What better way to celebrate Earth Day than to plant a tree? This year we are talking about the many gifts trees give us, with a special tribute to one...
Leggy Houseplants: Why Plants Stretch Out and What to Do About It
We made it through winter and are excited to welcome spring! This time of year we hear a lot of concern over "leggy" houseplants. Not to worry! We have all...
Meet the Artists Behind Our Plant Craft
If you have ever visited our shops, you know how wild we are about plant craft. Kokedama string gardens hang suspended from the ceiling, greeting our customers as they walk...
Growing Rubber Trees Indoors: A Guide to Ficus Care
Ficus (commonly called fig trees or rubber trees) are a colorful and diverse plant species that thrive in houseplant lovers’ homes all over the world. Ficus are popular, and for good...
Top 5 Winter-Blooming Houseplants
Looking for a winter-blooming houseplant to brighten your space this winter? Our guide to winter-blooming plants will inspire you to adorn your space with flowering plants that delight your senses...
Spread Cheer with these Holiday Plant Crafts
Cozy up with a cup of cheer and create along with us as we share these simple holiday plant crafts. We've selected simple and cost-effective projects that can easily be...
10 Creepy Plants to Haunt Your House This Fall
As we get into the spirit of fall, we are lighting candles, curling up in a cozy blanket, and sharing our top 10 creepy plants you will want to haunt your house...
Creative Reuse for Indoor Gardeners: Household Items for Your Houseplants
Did you know that tucked away in your cabinets, drawers and closets, you likely have a large list of common household items that you can use to care for your houseplants?...
All About Begonias: A Guide for Successful Begonia Care
The Begonia is a classic houseplant and garden gem. With their diverse array of leaf sizes, shapes and colors, as well as a myriad of growth habits – not to...
Celebrating 20 Years: A Conversation with our Founder
Plants have the power to inspire, connect, and transform – they’re our reason for being, and a gift to be shared. We founded Pistils Nursery in 2001, and for the...
Growing and Caring for Tropical Bulbs: Deciduous Aroids, Caudiciforms and Beyond
Houseplant collectors everywhere have at least one large leafed tropical tucked in a corner of their home. However, another slightly more subtle group of tropical plants have made their way...
All About Araceae: A Guide to Growing and Caring for Indoor Aroids
Aroid fever: you've either already got it, or soon will after discovering the diverse array of beautiful foliage (and flowers) in this precious plant family. Even if you haven’t heard...