Tending to plant cuttings passed down through generations, wedding gifts, gifts for healing and for grieving—Hearing plant stories in our storefronts and online overfills us with joy and reminds us of our mission statement:
We believe plants have the power to inspire, connect, and transform—They’re our reason for being, and a gift to be shared.
We sat down with some of our staff to capture memories and love of green to share with all of you.
Amalia (Retail Staff Member)
I come from a long line of perennial gardeners—all of the women in my family for five generations have had magnificent gardens! I grew up with stories of my great grandma's gardening adventures. She dug plants up in the woods behind her Ohio home and put them in the garden. Almost all the plants were natives, except for vegetables that she grew from seed. Growing up poor, she gardened for enjoyment but also for sustenance. She would walk over to a friend's house and come back with a couple clumps of plants that her gardening circle shared. Great grandma was president of her neighborhood gardening club until she was 100 years old! My mother and grandmother take after her and are prolific perennial gardeners. Although my great grandma has passed on, her love of gardening lives on through the heirloom plants that she gave to the women in my family—there are several bearded irises that thrive in their gardens to this day. Some day, I will have them in my yard too.

Claire (Living Art Lead)
My dad has always been very interested in horticulture and landscape design. He used to take my younger sister and I to plant nurseries all the time growing up. Botanic gardens were always a must on family vacations. So when it came time to science fair projects in elementary school, it was a no-brainer to do something related to plants. My dad helped me design a few experiments using tomato plants. They were readily available, inexpensive, and easy to grow in our Mediterranean San Diego climate. We tinkered with light availability and watering methods. Though my Dad helped me design the experiments, I was in charge of caring for the plants. I still remember the feeling of tending to them, and getting excited about their growth (or upset about their decline). Tomato plants still hold so much nostalgia for me—especially the smell.

Lindsay (Assistant eCommerce Manager)
When I was living with my parents during the pandemic I accumulated a lot of plants that I couldn't take with me when I moved to Oregon. My parents kept them and even though we were far away, we kept in touch of how much they've grown. I sent my mom a kokedama and she tells me all the time how much she loves it and how it makes her think of me.
Jarrod (eCommerce Manager)
I have a hazy, sunlit memory of picking blackberries with my great uncle when I was just barely old enough to run around without tripping over my own feet. That summer he taught me how to avoid the thorns and pick the ripest berries without squishing them. A fruit-filled stickerbush—I was enamored. My great uncle passed away soon after that summer, but my memory of him is so closely tied to blackberry bushes.
Megan (Founder)
Bee (Special Projects Lead)

How grateful we are for these memories colored in green. We hope these stories help remind you how plants have helped your life and that you’ll consider sharing them with us. For bringing new plants into your lives, whatever the reason, we offer our passion, expertise, and skills to all who seek their inner green.
Thank you for sharing your memories! It warms my heart. I too have wonderful memories of people in my life & plants! Nature is so amazing & beautiful!